
Rae Pambid

Managing Director, Creative Director


A renowned figure in the art and design industry, is a co-founder of FYDesigns. Her extensive expertise spans web design, painting, music, and various other artistic disciplines. Before establishing FYDesigns, Rae was an in-demand website designer for many popular brands in the country.

As Managing Director and Creative Director, Rae ensures that every website we produce meets the high standards we set for ourselves. Her creative vision and dedication to excellence bring the "WOW Factor" to every project we implement, making each website a standout piece of art and functionality.


Everett Gaius Vergara

Chief Technology Officer

A co-founder and director of FYDesigns. His vision for the company began at a young age, where he demonstrated exemplary skills in programming. As a backend C++ developer and database specialist, Everett brings a wealth of technical expertise to the team.

Before founding FYDesigns, he worked as an IT Manager for several multinational companies, where he implemented numerous web automation software and business process solutions. Under his leadership, FYDesigns became the preferred website provider, successfully completing over 100 web design projects in its first year.

Everett's interests extend beyond technology; he has a passion for arts, philosophy, number analysis, and enjoys his brewed coffee black.